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La scuola diffusa

My “La scuola diffusa” in Milan is an educational project that aims to create educational paths for students who choose to come here to study design, visual communication, art, and fashion.
Orienting these young people outside and beyond the psychophysical perimeters of the school premises becomes almost a requisite considering that Milan is the capital of design. The “Scuola diffusa” (Widespread school- Expanded school) is a project that generates connections with the reality of the city of Milan (and beyond) thanks to the vast range of permanent and
periodic events continuously on offer in the metropolitan.
The idea of “La scuola diffusa” arises from reasoning matured with experience. Students who attend design schools in Milan mainly come from various parts of Italy, from Europe and from other parts of the world, therefore their knowledge of Milan is scarce if not inexistent. Creating targeted learning paths for them is a multiple training opportunity that allows them both to deepen their interests, and to learn more about the city where they live and study and in doing so feel a little less like strangers.
The intent of my program, as an educational system, is to suggest itineraries through which students learn how to perceive the surroundings, as if the city of Milan itself, through its infinite peculiarities, becomes the university.
The itineraries of “La scuola diffusa” generally include places devoted to design, art, fashion, professional studios, foundations of the masters of design, show-rooms, art galleries, shops, workshops, exhibitions, suppliers, events, but also excellences related to Italian culture.
My Mentor, A G Fronzoni, constantly repeated: “Your university must be your environment”. This is what I hope for my students, that this educational experience may become an opportunity not only useful for the didactic path, but can also be an all-round enrichment which does not fade over time, giving them the possibility and tools to observe, reason, choose. To enrich their cultural background, and therefore their life.
What do you think about the translation “The expanded school”or “The widespread school” ?
If you have any other idea about the English translation you can share with me by clicking here
thank you

Ester Manitto